Simpson Travel becomes first specialist villa operator to adopt Safer Tourism Pledge
Leading specialist villa and boutique hotel operator Simpson Travel has joined forces with the Safer Tourism Foundation by signing up to the Safer Tourism pledge, reaffirming the company’s commitment to traveller safety.
1 in 7 travellers affected by food allergies on holiday
1 in 7 travellers affected by food allergies on holiday. Safer Tourism launches new Put The Nuts Away campaign to make travel safer for food allergic travellers.
Tainted alcohol poisonings in Laos - steps you can take to stay safe
Following the tragic news coming out of Laos this week, Safer Tourism Foundation is offering guidance on steps you can take to keep yourself and others safe when travelling.
A £20 Carbon Monoxide Travel Alarm Could Have Saved My Son’s Life
Cathy Foley shares an update from the Pack Safe Appeal, the campaign in honour of her son Hudson to raise awareness about carbon monoxide travel safety.
Alongside Hudson’s father, brother and sister, Cathy launched the campaign to help more people understand the dangers of carbon monoxide and to encourage travellers to pack a carbon monoxide alarm when they travel.
easyJet holidays signs up to Safer Tourism Pledge
easyJet holidays is the latest travel provider to sign up to the Safer Tourism pledge, committing to the highest safety standards for travellers.
How the EU’s new Entry/Exit System (EES) might affect your travels
New rules slated to come into place before the end of 2024 will impact travel plans to and from the European Union for non-EU nationals. Find out how they could affect you.
Chelsea Football Club supports Pack Safe Appeal
Chelsea Football Club support The Pack Safe Appeal, a campaign raising awareness of the dangers of CO poisoning in honour of Hudson Foley.
Pack Safe Appeal: Hudson Foley memorial campaign for carbon monoxide travel safety
The Safer Tourism Foundation supports the Pack Safe Appeal: the Hudson Foley memorial campaign for carbon monoxide safety. Pack a portable carbon monoxide alarm to keep you and your family safe when you travel.
Latin American Travel Association joins forces with Safer Tourism
The Latin American Travel Association joins Safer Tourism as an affiliate partner in an ongoing effort to address risk and promote traveller safety.
Heading to Paris for the Olympics and Paralympics? Here are 6 things to know before you go.
Heading to Paris for the Olympics and Paralympics? Travel safety expert Yvan Valasse shares his top tips to make sure your trip to France goes smoothly.
Planning a holiday in the sun? Learn how to stay safe in extreme heat.
Sunshine and heat, while appealing, can also be dangerous. With heatwaves being reported across several destinations in the Med this summer, It's important to know how to stay safe!
Holiday Head ever get you into trouble? We’re exploring the phenomenon in our Travel Behaviour Risk Index.
We’re on a mission to understand and measure the ‘Holiday Head’ - our propensity to behave on holiday in ways that we wouldn’t at home. Introducing the Travel Behaviour Risk Index!
How risk factors into holiday and travel planning in 2024
From safety and security to climate concerns and lesser-known destinations, here are 6 travel trends to consider for your holidays in 2024
The £20 travel essential that could save a life
Safer Tourism has partnered with Safelincs to offer travellers discounted carbon monoxide alarms they can take with them when they travel.
A new chapter for the Safer Tourism Foundation
Presenting Safer Tourism Foundation’s new brand, logo and colours. We’re embarking on a bold new chapter.
Don’t let an out-of-date passport ruin your travel plans
Don’t let an out-of-date passport ruin travel plans
When Travel Goes Wrong
Most of the time, travelling is a wonderful and positive experience. But occasionally, mishaps happen.
Why sustainable travel is safe travel
Exploring the planet is a joy - and it should remain so. Safety and sustainability in travel are inextricably linked.
Safer Tourism Foundation appoints new Head of Communications and Campaigns
Safer Tourism Foundation appoints new Head of Campaigns