Pack Safe Appeal: Hudson Foley memorial campaign for carbon monoxide travel safety

The Safer Tourism Foundation is proud to support the Foley family and their Pack Safe Appeal campaign, in honour of their son Hudson Foley who passed away from carbon monoxide poisoning whilst travelling in Ecuador, at just 24 years old.

The campaign aims to promote awareness of the risks of carbon monoxide poisoning among travellers, holidaymakers and backpackers, and to urge travel operators, travel guides and government to clearly communicate the risks of carbon monoxide in travel accommodations abroad.  

The main asks of the “Pack Safe Appeal” campaign are: 

  • Travel guides and websites to feature carbon monoxide-related safety notices 

  • Accommodation providers to adopt safety measures, such as ensuring carbon monoxide alarms and gas safety checks in accommodation 

  • Travel providers to include carbon monoxide alarms in kit lists, and provide safety briefings to customers 

Hudson’s mother, Cathy Foley says, “Hudson was the perfect son, brother and cherished friend to so many. He was full of life and loved adventure. His avoidable death is a complete waste of a beautiful, courageous and kind spirit who touched the hearts of so many in his 24 years. Life without Hudson is so very painful and one which no other family should ever have to endure. We are beyond heartbroken at our devastating loss.

“We launched this campaign to make sure that people know about the dangers associated with carbon monoxide poisoning and the steps they can take to protect themselves. A portable carbon monoxide alarm can make the difference between life or death. We urge travellers to pack one when they head off on their own adventures, and ask travel providers to make their customers aware of the risks. Hudson’s caring nature provides even more reason why the success of this campaign is so crucial.” 

Safer Tourism Foundation has a dedicated campaign page promoting the Pack Safe Appeal and awareness raising initiatives.  

Katherine Atkinson, CEO of Safer Tourism Foundation, says, “The Safer Tourism Foundation was born out of the deaths of two children, Bobby and Christi Shepherd, who also died from carbon monoxide poisoning while on holiday. Nearly 20 years on from their deaths, it is a travesty that carbon monoxide poisoning still claims so many lives each year – deaths which are largely preventable. We are proud to support Cathy, Paul, Jordan and Natasha in their efforts to draw more attention to the dangers of CO poisoning and to encourage everyone to take portable CO alarms with them when they travel. It’s just £20 but it could save a life.” 

August 2024 Pack Safe Appeal and campaign support 

The Pack Safe Appeal will be running throughout August 2024. We are campaigning in Hudson’s memory to raise awareness of the risks of carbon monoxide poisoning among travellers, to encourage backpackers and holidaymakers to carry portable CO alarms, and to make sure that travel operators, online guides, and governments clearly communicate the risks of carbon monoxide in dwellings abroad. 

In gathering support for this campaign, we can raise awareness, drive systematic improvements in how the travel industry addresses health and safety risks such as carbon monoxide, and help prevent further tragic deaths. 

The Secretariat of the All-Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group (APPCOG) have been supporting the Foley family in bringing this campaign to life. Barry Sheerman, former MP and Chair of the APPCOG, says "It is devastating to learn about the deaths of yet more young Britons from carbon monoxide poisoning abroad. I spent decades in Parliament campaigning for better gas safety and carbon monoxide awareness, having set up the All-Party Gas Safety Group in 2003 following the death of a 10-year-old constituent from carbon monoxide poisoning. Safety standards in the UK have improved in recent years, but other countries can lack proper safety regulations. The Pack Safe Appeal is an essential effort to raise awareness of the risks of carbon monoxide poisoning and the importance of British Standard-compliant carbon monoxide alarms." 

Carbon monoxide alarm distributor SafeLincs Ltd are offering a special discount on portable CO alarms, perfect for travel, using the code HUDSON15 and further supporting the campaign by distributing flyers with every purchase made via their site. 

Chelsea Football Club will be highlighting the campaign at a home match early in the 2024 season to honour Hudson, as he was a lifelong supporter and season ticket holder. 

The Latin American Travel Association is also supporting the campaign and, as part of their safety scheme, actively work to make accommodation across the region safer for travellers. 

Danny Callaghan, CEO of the Latin American Travel Association, comments: 

We were deeply saddened to learn of the death of Hudson, whilst backpacking in Ecuador and wholeheartedly support the campaign to encourage travellers to pack a carbon monoxide alarm, wherever in the world they are travelling. LATA’s Safety Scheme was set up with the aim of improving safety standards across Latin America and as part of our affiliation with the Safer Tourism Foundation, we are communicating the importance of carbon monoxide safety to our membership. 

Carbon monoxide information: risk of poisoning abroad 

Backpackers like Hudson travel abroad often unaware of the health and safety risks in the places they stay. Hudson’s passing is the latest tragedy in a dark history of Britons passing away from carbon monoxide poisoning while holidaying abroad. 

Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas produced by fuel-burning appliances that can’t be seen, smelled, or tasted. It can kill within minutes and causes life-changing mental and physical injuries to survivors.  

Awareness of the dangers associated with carbon monoxide is low in all countries, and health and safety provisions abroad are often below UK standards: CO alarms, a legal requirement for UK rentals, may not be present in holiday lets and appliances may be ill-maintained.  

Find out more about Hudson’s story and the campaign at


Chelsea Football Club supports Pack Safe Appeal


Latin American Travel Association joins forces with Safer Tourism